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Ge Warehouse
name = Warehouse |image = [[image:Ge_ware.png|Warehouse|315px]] |gesname = ge_warehouse_v2 |location = St. Petersburg, Russia |mapper = [[Zippy|Zippy]] |release = Yes Warehouse is a Third Party Map for GoldenEye: Source. The map is not related to any level in the original GoldenEye 64, but does contain a few models seen in it. It is an indoor-only type environment.
The sole purpose of the map existing in the first place was for the mapper to acquaint himself better with the Hammer editor. With much feedback and criticism, a second version of this map was made with an immense amount of optimization compared to the first version.
The first version of the map had next to no optimization. Instead of the map being made of world brushes that are connected together, the map's walls, floors and ceilings were made “func_detail” brushes - A hollowed out box was used to cover the entire map. With the backbone of the map being entirely “func_detail” brushes, Hint and Skip brush textures couldn't be used to divide visual leaves. The second version of the map has all map-sealing brushes untied to any entity and the hollowed out box was removed, allowing Hint and Skip textures to work properly.
It is possible that higher versions of this map will be released in the future.
Version 1
*Initial release
Version 2
*No more overly bright HDR. *Removed a few props to give more running room. *Added more weapon and ammo spots. *The walls in the bathroom have better looking textures. *Immense optimization added The map is no longer a bunch of func_details enclosed in a hollow brush. Many Hint & Skip brushes were placed so unseen rooms don't get rendered like before. *There should be absolutely 0 leaks now. *Removed the loud annoying engine sound near one of the trucks. *Reduced the filesize a bit.
*There are 2 easter eggs in this map. *There is a window in the room with the noisy black fan. Looking through this window and to the very left, you will see a female scientist (who can also be a playable character) standing near a tall computer. Shooting at her will cause her to duck down and take cover for a few seconds. The scientist is not a bot, but a “prop_dynamic” entity using the model.