
	"Language" "English"
		"Game_connected"	"%s1 has connected"
		"Game_disconnected"	"%s1 has left"

		//Hud Elements - DEPRECATED
		"GE_HUD_ARMOR"		"Armor"
		"GE_HUD_HEALTH"		"Health"

		"GE_NOWEAPON"			"None"
		"GE_PP7"			"PP7"
		"GE_PP7_SILENCED"		"Silenced PP7"
		"GE_DD44"			"DD44"
		"GE_DD441"			"Black DD44"
		"GE_DD442"			"Ivory DD44"
		"GE_Klobb"			"Klobb"
		"GE_Klobb1"			"Community Klobb"
		"GE_Klobb2"			"Tester Klobb"
		"GE_Klobb3"			"Developer Klobb"
		"GE_KF7Soviet"			"KF7 Soviet"
		"GE_KF7Soviet1"			"Watermelon KF7"
		"GE_ZMG"			"ZMG"
		"GE_ZMG1"			"Dinky ZMG"
		"GE_D5K"			"D5K Deutsche"
		"GE_D5K_SILENCED"		"Silenced D5K"
		"GE_Phantom"			"Phantom"
		"GE_AR33"			"AR33"
		"GE_RCP90"			"RC-P90"
		"GE_Shotgun"			"Shotgun"
		"GE_AutoShotgun"		"Automatic Shotgun"
		"GE_SniperRifle"		"Sniper Rifle"
		"GE_CougarMagnum"		"Cougar Magnum"
		"GE_CougarMagnum1"		"Competitor Magnum"
		"GE_CougarMagnum2"		"Champion Magnum"
		"GE_GoldenGun"			"Golden Gun"
		"GE_SilverPP7"			"Silver PP7"
		"GE_GoldPP7"			"Golden PP7"
		"GE_Moonraker"			"Moonraker Laser"
		"GE_GrenadeLauncher"		"Grenade Launcher"
		"GE_GrenadeLauncher1"		"Grenade Launcher"
		"GE_RocketLauncher"		"Rocket Launcher"
		"GE_Grenade"			"Grenade"
		"GE_TimedMine"			"Timed Mine"
		"GE_ProximityMine"		"Proximity Mine"
		"GE_RemoteMine"			"Remote Mine"
		"GE_Taser"			"Taser"
		"GE_SniperButt"			"Sniper Butt"
		"GE_Knife"			"Hunting Knife"
		"GE_ThrowingKnife"		"Throwing Knife"
		"GE_Slapper"			"Slappers"
		"GE_Token"			"Gameplay Token"
		"GE_Explosion"			"Explosion"
		"GE_Trap"			"Trap"
		"GE_WorldKill"			"World"

		"GE_Q_None"			"None"
		"GE_Q_VeryLow"			"Negligible"
		"GE_Q_Low"			"Very Low"
		"GE_Q_Average"			"Low"
		"GE_Q_High"			"Average"
		"GE_Q_VeryHigh"			"High"
		"GE_Q_VVHigh"			"Very High"
		"GE_Q_VVVHigh"			"Extreme"

		//Generic Weapon Attributes
		"GE_Att_Penetrate"		"Can penetrate %s1 inches"
		"GE_Att_AimBoost"		"Aimmode increases accuracy"
		"GE_Att_Silenced"		"Firing sound suppressed"
		"GE_Att_Tracers"		"Does not create tracers"

		//Specific Weapon Attributes
		"GE_Att_Sniper"			"Mousewheel adjusts zoom"
		"GE_Att_Token"			"Gamemode dependant behavior"
		"GE_Att_CMag"			"Small delay before firing"
		"GE_Att_GL"			"Large delay before firing"
		"GE_Att_Grenade"		"Hold attack to cook"
		"GE_Att_TimedMines"		"Explodes after 5 seconds"
		"GE_Att_ProxMines"		"Motion sensitive"
		"GE_Att_RemoteMines"		"Explodes on signal"
		"GE_Att_Slappers"		"Not that humiliating"
		"GE_Att_Knife"			"Increased range"
		"GE_Att_KF7"			"Fires 3 round bursts"
		"GE_Att_Laser"			"Always perfectly accurate"

		//Weapon Help Panel
		// DPHS is "Damage Per Half Second"
		"GE_WH_HeadDamage"		"Head Damage: %s1 bars"
		"GE_WH_ChestDamage"		"Chest Damage: %s1 bars"
		"GE_WH_LimbDamage"		"Limb Damage: %s1 bars"
		"GE_WH_Damage"			"Base Damage: %s1 bars"
		"GE_WH_DPHS"			"Invulnerability Cap: %s1 bars"
		"GE_WH_Radius"			"Explosion Radius: %s1 feet"
		"GE_WH_RPS"			"Rounds Per Second: %s1"
		"GE_WH_MinSpread"		"Base Spread: %s1"
		"GE_WH_MaxSpread"		"Max Spread: %s1"
		"GE_WH_HeadDamageGraph"		"Head Damage:"
		"GE_WH_ChestDamageGraph"	"Chest Damage:"
		"GE_WH_LimbDamageGraph"		"Limb Damage:"
		"GE_WH_DamageGraph"		"Base Damage:"
		"GE_WH_DPHSGraph"		"Maximum DP½S:"
		"GE_WH_RadiusGraph"		"Blast Radius:"

		// Team Selection Menu
		"TM_Auto_Join"		"Auto Join"
		"TM_Join"		"Join Game"
		"TM_Spectator"	"Spectator (%s1)"

		// Keyboard Options
		"GE_KB_DualMode"	"Dual Mode"
		"GE_KB_AimMode"		"Aim Mode"
		"GE_KB_Unarmed"		"Melee"
		"GE_KB_Pistols"		"Pistols"
		"GE_KB_Rifles"		"Rifles"
		"GE_KB_Misc"		"Shotguns"
		"GE_KB_Explosives"	"Explosives"
		"GE_KB_SpecialWpns"	"Special Weapons"
		"GE_KB_Tokens"		"Gameplay Tokens"
		"GE_KB_TeamSelect"	"Change Team"
		"GE_KB_CharSelect"	"Character Selection"
		"GE_KB_UseVoodoo"	"Special Command !voodoo"
		"GE_KB_UseVoodoo2"	"Special Command !gesrocks"
		"GE_KB_ShowWeapons"	"Show Weaponset List"
		"GE_KB_ShowHelp"	"Show Gameplay Description"
		"GE_KB_ShowWepStat"	"Show Weapon Stats"
		"GE_KB_RecallHelp"	"Cycle Pop-Out Help History"

		// Main Menu UI
		"GEUI_IntroDisable"	"Disable Intro Auto-Play"
		"GEUI_IntroDisableBG"	"Disable Background Movies"
		"GEUI_IntroReplay"	"Replay"
		"GEUI_IntroSkip"	"Skip"
		"GEUI_IntroStop"	"Stop"
		"GEUI_SeeChangeList"	"See the Change List"
		"GEUI_YourVersion"		"Your Version:"
		"GEUI_CurrVersion"		"Current Version:"
		"GEUI_UpdateAvail"		"Update Available!"
		"GEUI_Mirrors"			"Download Mirrors:"

		"TEAM_JANUS"	"Janus"
		"TEAM_MI6"		"MI6"

		"GE_RANDOM_CHAR"		"Random"
		"GE_UNNAMED"			"Unnamed"
		"GE_BOND"			"James Bond"
		"GE_SAMEDI"			"Baron Samedi"
		"GE_OURUMOV"			"General Ourumov"
		"GE_ODDJOB"			"Oddjob"
		"GE_JAWS"			"Jaws"
		"GE_BORIS"			"Boris Grishenko"
		"GE_MISHKIN"			"Dimitri Mishkin"
		"GE_MAYDAY"			"May Day"
		"GE_VALENTIN"			"Valentin Zukovsky"
		"GE_FEM_SCIENTIST"		"Female Scientist"
		"GE_006_MI6"			"Alec Trevelyan"
		"GE_RUSSOLD"			"Russian Soldier"
		"GE_RUSINF"			"Russian Infantry"

		// Concise Names
		"GE_006_MI6_CONCISE"		"Trevelyan"
		"GE_RUSINF_CONCISE"		"Infantry"

		"PLAYER_CHANGECHAR"		"%s1 ^1is now playing as %s2"

		//Scoreboard and HUD
		"ScoreBoard_Teamplay"		"%s1 (%s2)"
		"ScoreBoard_FFA"			"Players (%s1)"
		"ScoreBoard_Spectators"		"Spectators: %s1"
		"ScoreBoard_TeamScore"		"Score: %s1"

		"RoundReport_TieRound"		"The Round was a Tie!"
		"RoundReport_TieFinal"		"The Match was a Tie!"
		"RoundReport_WinnerRound"	"%s1 won the Round!"
		"RoundReport_WinnerFinal"	"%s1 won the Match!"
		"RoundReport_TeamScore"		"%s1 + %s2 = %s3"
		"RoundReport_RoundTitle"	"OHMSS AFTER ACTION REPORT"
		"RoundReport_MatchTitle"	"OHMSS MATCH REPORT"

		"TeamMenu_ServerVar"        	"Server Var"
		"TeamMenu_Value"            	"Value"

		"GEUI_GameMenu_CreateServer"	"Create Server"
		"SERVER_RANDOM_MAP"		"<Random Map>"
		"SERVER_RANDOM_SET"		"<Random Set>"
		"SERVER_RANDOM_SCENARIO"	"<Random Scenario>"
		"SERVER_MAP"			"Map:"
		"SERVER_SCENARIO"		"Scenario:"
		"SERVER_WEAPONS"		"Weapons:"
		"SERVER_BOTLIMIT"		"Bot Limit:"
		"SERVER_BOTLEVEL"		"Bot Level:"
		"SERVER_NAME"			"Server Name:"
		"SERVER_MAXPLAYERS"		"Max Players:"
		"SERVER_MAPTIME"		"Map Time (min):"
		"SERVER_ROUNDTIME"		"Round Time (sec):"
		"SERVER_PASSWORD"		"Server Password:"
		"SERVER_TURBOMODE"		"Turbo Mode:"
		"SERVER_PAINTBALL"		"Paintball Mode"
		"SERVER_AMMO"			"Infinite Ammo"
		"SERVER_RADAR"			"Allow Radar"
		"SERVER_TEAMPLAY"		"Allow Teamplay"
		"SERVER_ARMED"			"Start Armed"
		"SERVER_LAN"			"Run on LAN"
		"SERVER_PLAY"			"Create Server"
		"SERVER_CANCEL"			"Cancel"

		"BOT_LEVEL_EASY"		"Agent"
		"BOT_LEVEL_MED"			"Secret Agent"
		"BOT_LEVEL_HARD"		"00 Agent"
		"BOT_LEVEL_UBER"		"007"

		"TURBO_MODE_LIGHT"		"Lightspeed"

		"GE_DONT_SHOW_HELP"		"Don't show this help again"
		"GE_PLAY"			"Play"

		"GE_Hint_PopupHelp"		"Press %recallhelp% to Recall Pop-Out Help"
		"GE_Hint_GameplayHelp"		"Press %+cl_ge_gameplay_help% to Show Gameplay Description"
		"GE_Hint_WeaponSet"		"Press %+cl_ge_weaponset_list% to Show the Current Weapon Set"
		"GE_Hint_SpawnWait"		"All spawn points are filled, please wait"

		// Teammate name indicator
		"Playerid_sameteam"		"%s1  %s2 / %s3"

		// Spectator Titles
		"Spec_Playername"	"%s1  HP: %s2 AP: %s3"
		"Spec_Map"			"%s1"

		// Scoreboard Titles
		"GE_Playername"			"Players"
		"GE_Team"			"Team"
		"GE_Charname"			"Identity"
		"GE_Score"			"Score"
		"GE_Deaths"			"Deaths"
		"GE_Ping"			"Ping"
		"GE_FavWeapon"			"Favorite Weapon"

		// Radio and chat strings can have control characters embedded to set colors.  For the control characters to be used, one must be at the start of the string.
		// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
		// ^1 normal color
		// ^2 not used
		// ^3 team color
		// ^4 location color
		// ^5 Achievement color

		"GES_Chat_Team_Loc"		"^1(TEAM) ^3%s1^1 @ ^4%s3^1 :  %s2"
		"GES_Chat_Team"			"^1(TEAM) ^3%s1^1 :  %s2"
		"GES_Chat_Team_Dead"	"^1*K.I.A.*(TEAM) ^3%s1^1 :  %s2"
		"GES_Chat_Spec"			"^1(Spectator) ^3%s1^1 :  %s2"
		"GES_Chat_All"			"^3%s1^1 :  %s2"
		"GES_Chat_AllDead"		"^1*K.I.A.* ^3%s1^1 :  %s2"
		"GES_Chat_AllSpec"		"^1*SPEC* ^3%s1^1 :  %s2"

		"Achievement_Earned"		"^3%s1^1 has earned the achievement ^5%s2"

		"game_player_changed_name"	"^1%s1^1 changed their name to %s2"
		"game_player_joined_game"	"^1%s1^1 has joined the game"
		"game_player_left_game"		"^1%s1^1 left the game (%s2)"
		"game_player_joined_team"	"^1%s1^1 joined team %s2"

		// Custom chat strings for changing variables during gameplay
		"GES_Gameplay_Changed"		"^4The Game Mode is now ^1%s1"
		"GES_Weaponset_Changed"		"^4The Weaponset is now ^1%s1"
		"GES_Weaponset_Future"		"^4The Weaponset will be ^1%s1 ^4next round"
		"GES_Weaponset_Random"		"^4The Weaponset will be ^1chosen at random^4 next round"
		"GES_Teamplay_Changed"		"^4Teamplay has been ^1%s1"
		"GES_Teamplay_Announce"		"^4Teamplay will be ^1%s1 ^4next round"
		"GES_Roundtime_Changed"		"^4The Round Time has been ^1%s1 ^4to ^1%s2"
		"GES_Roundtime_Added"		"^4The Round Time has been ^1%s1 ^4by ^1%s2"
		"GES_Roundtime_Disabled"	"^4Rounds have been disabled"
		"GES_RoundRestart"			"Round Restarting..."
		"GES_RoundEnd"				"Round Ending..."
		"GES_MatchEnd"				"Match Ending..."
		"GES_TeamBalanced_Player"	"%s1 ^1Auto Switched Teams"
		"GES_TeamBalance"			"^4Teams will be auto balanced in %s1 seconds!"
		"GES_ClickToRespawn"		"Press Start"

		"Enabled"			"Enabled"
		"Disabled"			"Disabled"
		"Extended"			"Extended"
		"Shortened"			"Shortened"

		// This defines the info text messages (death messages)
		// The control characters can be copied and pasted in notepad.
		// ^7 COLOR_KILLER	//Only for death message
		// ^8 COLOR_VICTIM	//Only for death message

		"GES_Death_Suicide"			"^6%s1 committed suicide"
		"GES_Death_Suicide_Explosive"		"^6%s1 blew up"
		"GES_Death_Suicide_Fall"		"^6%s1 fell to their death"
		"GES_Death_Suicide_World"		"^6%s1 died"
		"GES_Death_Killed"			"^7%s1^1 killed ^8%s2^1 with %s3^9%s4"
		"GES_Death_Killed_Explosive"		"^7%s1^1 got ^8%s2^1 to blow themselves up"
		"GES_Death_Killed_Fall"			"^7%s1^1 pushed ^8%s2^1 to their death"
		"GES_Death_Killed_Suicide"		"^7%s1^1 drove ^8%s2^1 to suicide"
		"GES_Death_Killed_World"		"^7%s1^1 helped ^8%s2^1 find death"
		"GES_Death_Headshot"			"^7%s1^1 killed ^8%s2^1 with %s3^9%s4^1 Headshot"
		"GES_Death_Direct"			"^7%s1^1 killed ^8%s2^1 with %s3^9%s4^1 Direct Hit"

		// -----------------------------

		"GES_Pit_Kill0"					"^7%s1^1 gave ^8%s2^1 a deep grave"
		"GES_Pit_Kill1"					"^7%s1^1 knocked ^8%s2^1 into a pit"
		"GES_Pit_Kill2"					"^7%s1^1 arranged for ^8%s2^1 to take a fall"
		"GES_Pit_Kill3"					"^7%s1^1 got rid of ^8%s2^1 with a long drop"
		"GES_Pit_Kill4"					"^7%s1^1 pushed ^8%s2^1 to their death"
		"GES_Pit_Kill5"					"^7%s1^1 caused ^8%s2^1 to fall to their death"
		"GES_Pit_Death0"				"^6%s1 fell a little too far"
		"GES_Pit_Death1"				"^6%s1 fell into a pit"
		"GES_Pit_Death2"				"^6%s1 hit the bottom of a pit"
		"GES_Pit_Death3"				"^6%s1 fell to their doom"
		"GES_Pit_Death4"				"^6%s1 tumbled to their death"
		"GES_Pit_Death5"				"^6%s1 experienced a sudden stop"

		"GES_Silo_Pit_Kill0"				"^7%s1^1 sent ^8%s2^1 over a railing"
		"GES_Silo_Pit_Kill1"				"^7%s1^1 sent ^8%s2^1 to the bottom of a silo"
		"GES_Silo_Pit_Kill2"				"^7%s1^1 knocked ^8%s2^1 off a catwalk"
		"GES_Silo_Pit_Death0"				"^6%s1 tumbled over a railing"
		"GES_Silo_Pit_Death1"				"^6%s1 slipped off a catwalk"
		"GES_Silo_Pit_Death2"				"^6%s1 tried to be a rocket scientist"

		"GES_Cradle_Pit_Kill"				"^7%s1^1 pushed ^8%s2^1 off the cradle"
		"GES_Cradle_Pit_Death"				"^6%s1 fell from the cradle to his grave"

		"GES_Egyptian_Door_Kill"			"^7%s1^1 made ^8%s2^1 part of the temple"
		"GES_Egyptian_Door_Death"			"^6%s1 has joined the pharaohs"

		"GES_Dam_Cliff_Kill"				"^7%s1^1 pushed ^8%s2^1 down the mountain"
		"GES_Dam_Cliff_Death"				"^6%s1 fell down the mountain"

		"GES_Caverns_Water_Kill"			"^7%s1^1 sent ^8%s2^1 for a swim"
		"GES_Caverns_Water_Death"			"^6%s1 fell victim to the currents"
		"GES_Caverns_Spiral_Kill"			"^7%s1^1 sent ^8%s2^1 down a slippery slope"
		"GES_Caverns_Spiral_Death"			"^6%s1 spiraled out of control"

		// This is for grammatically correct sentences
		"English_Article_A"		"a "
		"English_Article_An"	"an "

		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		// Character Bios
		"GE_CharBio_Random"		"Pick a random character!"
		"GE_CharBio_006_MI6"	"Nationality: English\nOccupation: 00 Agent\nAgency: British Secret Service\n\nAlec is 007's closest friend. He was KIA in a mission to destroy Arkangelsk Chemical Weapons Facility."
		"GE_CharBio_Bond"		"Nationality: English\nOccupation: 00 Agent\nAgency: British Secret Service\n\nBond, James Bond. He is agent 007 and has a license to kill. Shaken, not stirred."
		"GE_CharBio_Boris"		"Nationality: Russian\nOccupation: Hacker\nAgency: Janus\n\nBoris was a Severnaya systems programmer before he betrayed his colleagues and country, stealing the GoldenEye with Ourumov."
		"GE_CharBio_FemSci"		"Nationality: French\nOccupation: Scientist\nAgency: Laboratories\n\nHighly intelligent. Trained in chemistry, physics, and combat."
		"GE_CharBio_Jaws"		"Nationality: Polish\nOccupation: Henchman\nAgency: Karl Stromberg, Drax Corp\n\nStanding at 7 foot, Jaws is as powerful as he is tall. His nickname is due to his incredibly strong steel teeth."
		"GE_CharBio_MayDay"		"Nationality: African\nOccupation: Henchwoman\nAgency: Max Zorin\n\nHead of Max Zorin's female guards, May Day seems to possess super-human strength due to her heavy steroid use."
		"GE_CharBio_Mishkin"	"Nationality: Russian\nOccupation: Defense Minister\nAgency: Russian Government\n\nRussian Defence Minister. Killed by Ourumov after he learns of Ourumov's involvement in the Severnaya incident."
		"GE_CharBio_Oddjob"		"Nationality: Korean\nOccupation: Henchman\nAgency: Auric Goldfinger\n\nOddjob is an expert in Karate and a ruthless assassin. His weapon of choice is his razor-sharp bowler hat."
		"GE_CharBio_Ourumov"	"Nationality: Russian\nOccupation: Army General\nAgency: Soviet Army/Janus\n\nOnce a Colonel in charge of Arkangelsk Chemical Weapons Facility. Ourumov is now a General and head of Space Division."
		"GE_CharBio_Samedi"		"Nationality: Trinidad\nOccupation: Henchman\nAgency: Mr. Big\n\n'The man who cannot die'\nThe only thing more sinister than Samedi's cackle is his apparent inability to be killed."
		"GE_CharBio_Valentin"	"Nationality: Russian\nOccupation: Informant\nAgency: MI6\n\nEx-KGB agent turned Russian Mafia boss. Deals in caviar, alcohol, firearms, and information."
		"GE_CharBio_Russold"	"Nationality: Russian\nOccupation: Soldier\nAgency: Soviet Army\n\nHighly trained in a variety of fly swatting manoeuvres, the Soldier's primary responsibilities include guarding areas, triggering alarms, and not shooting over railings."
		"GE_CharBio_Rusinf"		"Nationality: Russian\nOccupation: Soldier\nAgency: Soviet Army\n\nThe backbone of the Russian Army, the Infantry is ready to support Russia against all of her enemies!"

		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		// Gameplay Tips
		"GE_TIP_TITLE"			"%s1:"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_AIM"		"Aiming"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_MOVE"		"Moving"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_HS"		"Headshots"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_KLOBB"	"Weak Weapons"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_MINES"	"Enemy Mines"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_ZOOM"		"Zooming"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_PEN"		"Bullet Penetration"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_RMINE"	"Remote Mines"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_PMINE"	"Proxy Mines"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_TEAM"		"Teamplay"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_STRAFE"	"Strafe Running"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_INVIS"	"Radar Invisibility"
		"GE_TIP_TITLE_WEPHLP"	"Weapon Info"

		"GE_TIP_RADAR1"		"Pay close attention to your radar"
		"GE_TIP_RADAR2"		"Your radar displays enemies, objectives, and teammates"
		"GE_TIP_AIM1"		"Press %aimmode% to use your crosshair"
		"GE_TIP_AIM2"		"Your crosshair will show the center of your screen"
		"GE_TIP_MOVE1"		"A moving target is more difficult to hit"
		"GE_TIP_MOVE2"		"Strafe whilst engaging enemies to avoid taking damage"
		"GE_TIP_HS1"		"Headshots always deal the maximum damage"
		"GE_TIP_HS2"		"Aim for the head when in close range"
		"GE_TIP_KLOBB1"		"Weaker weapons require multiple headshots to kill"
		"GE_TIP_KLOBB2"		"The Klobb requires 6 headshots to kill at full health"
		"GE_TIP_ARMOR1"		"Pick up Armor for extra protection"
		"GE_TIP_ARMOR2"		"Unlike Health, Armor can be replenished repeatedly"
		"GE_TIP_MINES1"		"Watch out for enemy mines!"
		"GE_TIP_MINES2"		"You can shoot enemy mines to detonate them"
		"GE_TIP_ZOOM1"		"Use %aimmode% to zoom in with the Sniper Rifle"
		"GE_TIP_ZOOM2"		"Assault rifles also zoom whilst aiming"
		"GE_TIP_PEN1"		"Certain high-power weapons can penetrate doors and windows"
		"GE_TIP_PEN2"		"Among these, the Cougar Magnum has the most penetration"
		"GE_TIP_RMINE1"		"Detonate Remote Mines in the air by quick-detonating"
		"GE_TIP_RMINE2"		"Press %attack% and %attack2% together to quick-detonate"
		"GE_TIP_PMINE1"		"Proximity Mines detonate when they detect quick movement"
		"GE_TIP_PMINE2"		"Trigger them with projectiles or sneak by slowly"
		"GE_TIP_TEAM1"		"In teamplay, support your team to win"
		"GE_TIP_TEAM2"		"Look for teammate icons to identify friends"
		"GE_TIP_STRAFE1"	"Move diagonally for a speed boost"
		"GE_TIP_STRAFE2"	"You can accelerate to 1.4 times your normal speed this way"
		"GE_TIP_INVIS1"		"Spawn invulnerability hides your radar dot"
		"GE_TIP_INVIS2"		"Use the 3 seconds after spawning to escape nearby enemies"
		"GE_TIP_WEPHLP1"	"Press %cl_ge_weapon_stats% to see data on your current weapon"
		"GE_TIP_WEPHLP2"	"This panel contains everything you need to know about it"

		// ------------------------------------------------------------
		"GE_AWARD_NONE"				"- NONE -"
		"GE_AWARD_DEADLY"			"Most Deadly"
		"GE_AWARD_HONORABLE"		"Most Honorable"
		"GE_AWARD_PROFESSIONAL"		"Most Professional"
		"GE_AWARD_MARKSMANSHIP"		"Marksmanship"
		"GE_AWARD_AC10"				"AC-10 Award"
		"GE_AWARD_FRANTIC"			"Most Frantic"
		"GE_AWARD_WHERESTHEAMMO"	"Where's The Ammo?"
		"GE_AWARD_LEMMING"			"Lemming Award"
		"GE_AWARD_LONGINNINGS"		"Longest Innings"
		"GE_AWARD_SHORTINNINGS"		"Shortest Innings"
		"GE_AWARD_DISHONORABLE"		"Most Dishonorable"
		"GE_AWARD_WHERESTHEARMOR"	"Where's The Armor?"

		// ------------------------------------------------------------

		"Achievement_Group_All"		"All (%s1 of %s2)"
		"Achievement_Group_0"		"General (%s1 of %s2)"
		"Achievement_Group_1400"	"Weapons (%s1 of %s2)"

		"GES_SHARPSHOOTAH_NAME"		"Faraway Sights"
		"GES_SHARPSHOOTAH_DESC"		"Kill an enemy with the Sniper Rifle from 170+ feet away"
		"GES_UFOD_NAME"				"This Sine of Mine"
		"GES_UFOD_DESC"				"Kill an enemy with a Remote Mine while it is still flying"
		"GES_OCTOPUSSY_NAME"		"Octopussy"
		"GES_OCTOPUSSY_DESC"		"Be an incessant camper during a round that lasts for 2+ minutes (4+ players)"
		"GES_SILENT_ASSASSIN_NAME"	"Silent Assassin"
		"GES_SILENT_ASSASSIN_DESC"	"Win a round using only melee weapons (4+ players)"
		"GES_ONE_WITH_BULLET_NAME"	"Number One with the Bullet"
		"GES_ONE_WITH_BULLET_DESC"	"Be awarded Most Deadly and Marksmanship in the same round"
		"GES_INVINCIBLE_DESC"		"Play as Boris for an entire round and be awarded Most Deadly and Longest Innings"
		"GES_LICENSE_TO_KILL_NAME"	"License To Kill"
		"GES_LICENSE_TO_KILL_DESC"	"Earn 500 kills"
		"GES_FORENGLAND_NAME"		"For England, James"
		"GES_FORENGLAND_DESC"		"Suicide kill an enemy with a Grenade"
		"GES_DUTCHRUDDER_NAME"		"Dutch Rudder"
		"GES_DUTCHRUDDER_DESC"		"Return the favor of being killed with Slappers within 20 seconds"
		"GES_GOLDFINGERED_NAME"		"Gold Fingered"
		"GES_GOLDFINGERED_DESC"		"Kill a player using the Golden Gun with Slappers"

		"GES_RCP90_LEVEL1_NAME"		"RCP 4 Death (A)"
		"GES_RCP90_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 100 kills with the RCP-90"
		"GES_RCP90_LEVEL2_NAME"		"RCP 4 Death (SA)"
		"GES_RCP90_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 250 kills with the RCP-90"
		"GES_RCP90_LEVEL3_NAME"		"RCP 4 Death (00A)"
		"GES_RCP90_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 500 kills with the RCP-90"

		"GES_AR33_LEVEL1_NAME"		"A Salt Rifle (A)"
		"GES_AR33_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 133 kills with the AR33"
		"GES_AR33_LEVEL2_NAME"		"A Salt Rifle (SA)"
		"GES_AR33_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 433 kills with the AR33"
		"GES_AR33_LEVEL3_NAME"		"A Salt Rifle (00A)"
		"GES_AR33_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 733 kills with the AR33"

		"GES_PP7_LEVEL1_NAME"		"PKing Soup (A)"
		"GES_PP7_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 100 kills with the PP7"
		"GES_PP7_LEVEL2_NAME"		"PKing Soup (SA)"
		"GES_PP7_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 250 kills with the PP7"
		"GES_PP7_LEVEL3_NAME"		"PKing Soup (00A)"
		"GES_PP7_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 500 kills with the PP7"

		"GES_SNIPERRIFLE_LEVEL1_NAME"	"A View to a Kill (A)"
		"GES_SNIPERRIFLE_LEVEL1_DESC"	"Get 50 kills with the Sniper Rifle"
		"GES_SNIPERRIFLE_LEVEL2_DESC"	"Get 150 kills with the Sniper Rifle"
		"GES_SNIPERRIFLE_LEVEL3_NAME"	"A View to a Kill (00A)"
		"GES_SNIPERRIFLE_LEVEL3_DESC"	"Get 250 kills with the Sniper Rifle"

		"GES_PHANTOM_LEVEL1_NAME"	"Phantastic Phantom (A)"
		"GES_PHANTOM_LEVEL1_DESC"	"Get 100 kills with the Phantom"
		"GES_PHANTOM_LEVEL2_NAME"	"Phantastic Phantom (SA)"
		"GES_PHANTOM_LEVEL2_DESC"	"Get 500 kills with the Phantom"
		"GES_PHANTOM_LEVEL3_NAME"	"Phantastic Phantom (00A)"
		"GES_PHANTOM_LEVEL3_DESC"	"Get 750 kills with the Phantom"

		"GES_KLOBB_LEVEL1_NAME"		"Klobbering Time (A)"
		"GES_KLOBB_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 25 kills with the Klobb"
		"GES_KLOBB_LEVEL2_NAME"		"Klobbering Time (SA)"
		"GES_KLOBB_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 75 kills with the Klobb"
		"GES_KLOBB_LEVEL3_NAME"		"Klobbering Time (00A)"
		"GES_KLOBB_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 125 kills with the Klobb"

		"GES_REMOTEMINE_LEVEL1_NAME"	"Remotely Removed (A)"
		"GES_REMOTEMINE_LEVEL1_DESC"	"Get 50 kills with Remote Mines"
		"GES_REMOTEMINE_LEVEL2_NAME"	"Remotely Removed (SA)"
		"GES_REMOTEMINE_LEVEL2_DESC"	"Get 150 kills with Remote Mines"
		"GES_REMOTEMINE_LEVEL3_NAME"	"Remotely Removed (00A)"
		"GES_REMOTEMINE_LEVEL3_DESC"	"Get 250 kills with Remote Mines"

		"GES_PROXIMITYMINE_LEVEL1_NAME"	"Proximity Pulvarizer (A)"
		"GES_PROXIMITYMINE_LEVEL1_DESC"	"Get 50 kills with Proximity Mines"
		"GES_PROXIMITYMINE_LEVEL2_NAME"	"Proximity Pulvarizer (SA)"
		"GES_PROXIMITYMINE_LEVEL2_DESC"	"Get 150 kills with Proximity Mines"
		"GES_PROXIMITYMINE_LEVEL3_NAME"	"Proximity Pulvarizer (00A)"
		"GES_PROXIMITYMINE_LEVEL3_DESC"	"Get 250 kills with Proximity Mines"

		"GES_TIMEDMINE_LEVEL1_NAME"		"Timed Termination (A)"
		"GES_TIMEDMINE_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 50 kills with Timed Mines"
		"GES_TIMEDMINE_LEVEL2_NAME"		"Timed Termination (SA)"
		"GES_TIMEDMINE_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 100 kills with Timed Mines"
		"GES_TIMEDMINE_LEVEL3_NAME"		"Timed Termination (00A)"
		"GES_TIMEDMINE_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 150 kills with Timed Mines"


		"GES_WHO_THROWS_SHOE_NAME"	"Who Throws a Shoe?"
		"GES_WHO_THROWS_SHOE_DESC"	"Play as Oddjob for an entire round and be awarded Mostly Harmless (4+ players)"
		"GES_JAMESBOND_NAME"		"Bond, James Bond"
		"GES_JAMESBOND_DESC"		"Play as Bond for an entire round and be awarded Most Professional and Marksmanship (4+ players)"
		"GES_HAYDAYMAYDAY_NAME"		"May Day's Hayday"
		"GES_HAYDAYMAYDAY_DESC"		"Play as May Day for an entire round and be awarded Most Frantic and win the round (4+ players)"
		"GES_MISCHMISHKIN_NAME"		"Mischievous Mishkin"
		"GES_MISCHMISHKIN_DESC"		"Play as Mishkin for an entire round and be awarded Most Dishonorable (4+ players)"
		"GES_TWO_FACED_NAME"		"Two-Faced"
		"GES_TWO_FACED_DESC"		"Earn Most Honorable and Most Dishonorable in the same round 5 times"
		"GES_WHY_WONT_YOU_DIE_NAME"	"Why Won't You Die?"
		"GES_WHY_WONT_YOU_DIE_DESC"	"Earn AC-10 Award 25 times"
		"GES_VIASHINOWNED_NAME"		"Her Majesty’s Finest"
		"GES_VIASHINOWNED_DESC"		"Earn 4 or more positive awards in the same round and win the round!  (4+ players)"
		"GES_WORLD_IS_NOT_ENOUGH_NAME"	"The World is Not Enough"
		"GES_WORLD_IS_NOT_ENOUGH_DESC"	"Win a round and earn all 6 awards (4+ players)"
		"GES_SECRET_AGENT_MAN_NAME"	"Secret Agent, Man"
		"GES_SECRET_AGENT_MAN_DESC"	"Earn 1,500 kills"
		"GES_GOLDENEYE_MASTER_DESC"	"Earn 3,000 kills"
		"GES_BE_HONORED_NAME"		"You Should Feel Suave"
		"GES_BE_HONORED_DESC"		"Get 50 kills using weapons with special skins"
		"GES_BE_GRATEFUL_NAME"		"Making Introductions"
		"GES_BE_GRATEFUL_DESC"		"Kill a Developer, Beta Tester, or Achievement Medalist 50 times"
		"GES_DIE_ANOTHER_DAY_NAME"	"Die Another Day"
		"GES_DIE_ANOTHER_DAY_DESC"	"Get kills while below 20% health (Armor is ignored)"


		"GES_BOOM_HEADSHOT_NAME"		"Headhunter"
		"GES_BOOM_HEADSHOT_DESC"		"Get 500 headshot kills with any weapon"
		"GES_LATE_ATTENDANCE_NAME"		"Late Attendance"
		"GES_LATE_ATTENDANCE_DESC"		"Get kills after the round has ended"
		"GES_SHAKEN_LEVEL1_NAME"		"Shaken, but Not Disturbed (A)"
		"GES_SHAKEN_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 5 kills without taking any damage"
		"GES_SHAKEN_LEVEL2_NAME"		"Shaken, but Not Disturbed (SA)"
		"GES_SHAKEN_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 10 kills without taking any damage"
		"GES_SHAKEN_LEVEL3_NAME"		"Shaken, but Not Disturbed (00A)"
		"GES_SHAKEN_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 15 kills without taking any damage"
		"GES_SCARAMANGAS_PRIDE_NAME"	"Scaramanga's Pride"
		"GES_SCARAMANGAS_PRIDE_DESC"	"Get 20 kills with the Golden Gun without dying"
		"GES_MAN_WHO_CANT_DIE_NAME"		"The Man Who Cannot Die"
		"GES_MAN_WHO_CANT_DIE_DESC"		"Finish a round with 10+ kills and no deaths ( 4+ min round )"
		"GES_RUSSIAN_ROULETTE_NAME"		"Russian Roulette"
		"GES_RUSSIAN_ROULETTE_DESC"		"Get 6 kills with the Cougar Magnum without reloading"
		"GES_THE_SPECIALIST_NAME"		"The Specialist"
		"GES_THE_SPECIALIST_DESC"		"Use only explosive weapons and win the round (4+ players, 15+ kills)"
		"GES_004_NAME"					"004"
		"GES_004_DESC"					"Kill yourself with your own mines 25 times (2+ players)"
		"GES_FOR_ENGLAND_ALEC_NAME"		"For England, Alec"
		"GES_FOR_ENGLAND_ALEC_DESC"		"As Bond, kill Trevelyan 20 times with any type of mine"
		"GES_THROUGH_FIRE_FLAMES_NAME"	"Through the Fire and Flames"
		"GES_THROUGH_FIRE_FLAMES_DESC"	"Survive massive explosive damage 500 times"
		"GES_DOMINO_EFFECT_NAME"		"Domino Effect"
		"GES_DOMINO_EFFECT_DESC"		"Kill 2 or more players with the same bullet"
		"GES_LTG_LEVEL1_NAME"			"License To Grill (A)"
		"GES_LTG_LEVEL1_DESC"			"Get 100 kills with the Rocket Launcher"
		"GES_LTG_LEVEL2_NAME"			"License To Grill (SA)"
		"GES_LTG_LEVEL2_DESC"			"Get 250 kills with the Rocket Launcher"
		"GES_LTG_LEVEL3_NAME"			"License To Grill (00A)"
		"GES_LTG_LEVEL3_DESC"			"Get 500 kills with the Rocket Launcher"
		"GES_MOONRAKER_LEVEL1_NAME"		"Man on the Moon (A)"
		"GES_MOONRAKER_LEVEL1_DESC"		"Get 100 kills with the Moonraker Laser"
		"GES_MOONRAKER_LEVEL2_NAME"		"Man on the Moon (SA)"
		"GES_MOONRAKER_LEVEL2_DESC"		"Get 250 kills with the Moonraker Laser"
		"GES_MOONRAKER_LEVEL3_NAME"		"Man on the Moon (00A)"
		"GES_MOONRAKER_LEVEL3_DESC"		"Get 500 kills with the Moonraker Laser"
		"GES_KF7_LEVEL1_NAME"			"From Russia Without Love (A)"
		"GES_KF7_LEVEL1_DESC"			"Get 100 kills with the KF7"
		"GES_KF7_LEVEL2_NAME"			"From Russia Without Love (SA)"
		"GES_KF7_LEVEL2_DESC"			"Get 500 kills with the KF7"
		"GES_KF7_LEVEL3_NAME"			"From Russia Without Love (00A)"
		"GES_KF7_LEVEL3_DESC"			"Get 750 kills with the KF7"
		"GES_LAST_AGENT_STANDING_NAME"	"Last Agent Standing"
		"GES_LAST_AGENT_STANDING_DESC"	"Be the winner in YOLT 50 times"
		"GES_YOU_CANT_WIN_NAME"			"You Can't Win."
		"GES_YOU_CANT_WIN_DESC"			"Win a round of YOLT as Ourumov using only the DD44 (4+ kills)"
		"GES_FLESH_WOUND_NAME"			"Just a Flesh Wound"
		"GES_FLESH_WOUND_DESC"			"Win 15 Knife duels where you took damage"
		"GES_MAKE_MY_MAYDAY_NAME"		"Make My May Day"
		"GES_MAKE_MY_MAYDAY_DESC"		"Get 50 headshots with the Cougar Magnum as May Day"
		"GES_THATS_MY_OCTOPUSSY_NAME"	"That's My Little Octopussy"
		"GES_THATS_MY_OCTOPUSSY_DESC"	"Kill camping players (red dot on the radar)"
		"GES_TWO_KLOBBS_NAME"			"Two Klobbs Don't Make it Right"
		"GES_TWO_KLOBBS_DESC"			"Assist a fellow Klobb wielding soldier to kill a common enemy"
		"GES_BREAK_A_LEG_NAME"			"Break a Leg"
		"GES_BREAK_A_LEG_DESC"			"Kill 50 players by targeting their legs"
		"GES_TARGET_PRACTICE_NAME"		"Target Practice"
		"GES_TARGET_PRACTICE_DESC"		"Win a round of YOLT and earn the Marksmanship award (4+ kills, 4+ players)"

		// Version 5 ACHIEVEMENTS

		"GES_DOUBLE_DOWN_NAME"			"Double Down"
		"GES_DOUBLE_DOWN_DESC"			"Kill 2 players with 1 shotgun blast"
		"GES_THERES_THE_ARMOR_NAME"		"There's the Armor"
		"GES_THERES_THE_ARMOR_DESC"		"Take 8 gauges of damage in one life"
		"GES_REMOTE_DELIVERY_NAME"		"Remote Delivery"
		"GES_REMOTE_DELIVERY_DESC"		"Kill a player you can't see with a Remote Mine"
		"GES_YOURE_FIRED_NAME"			"Rocket Science"
		"GES_YOURE_FIRED_DESC"			"Kill 100 players with a Rocket Launcher direct hit"
		"GES_SHELL_SHOCKED_NAME"		"Shell Shocked"
		"GES_SHELL_SHOCKED_DESC"		"Kill a player with a Grenade Launcher direct hit"
		"GES_DART_BOARD_NAME"			"Dart Board"
		"GES_DART_BOARD_DESC"			"Kill a player over 60 feet away with the Throwing Knives"
		"GES_PRECISION_BOMBING_NAME"		"Precision Bombing"
		"GES_PRECISION_BOMBING_DESC"		"Kill a player over 100 feet away with a Grenade Launcher direct hit"
		"GES_INDIRECT_FIRE_NAME"		"Indirect Fire"
		"GES_INDIRECT_FIRE_DESC"		"Kill a player you can't see with a direct hit from the Grenade Launcher"
		"GES_HUNTING_PARTY_NAME"		"Hunting Party"
		"GES_HUNTING_PARTY_DESC"		"Kill a player with the Shotgun from less than 10 feet away"
		"GES_PLASTIQUE_SURGERY_NAME"		"Plastique Surgery"
		"GES_PLASTIQUE_SURGERY_DESC"		"Kill a player with an envionmental explosion"
		"GES_DEVIDE_AND_CONQUER_NAME"		"Devide and Conquer"
		"GES_DEVIDE_AND_CONQUER_DESC"		"Kill a Developer with the Developer Klobb"
		"GES_DEVIDENDS_NAME"			"Devidends"
		"GES_DEVIDENDS_DESC"			"Get 20 kills with the Developer, Beta Tester, or Community Klobb"

		"GES_PROXIMA_CENTAURI_NAME"		"Proxima Centauri"
		"GES_PROXIMA_CENTAURI_DESC"		"Kill 10 people from over 100 feet away with the Proximity Mines"
		"GES_TIMETOTARGET_NAME"			"Time to Target"
		"GES_TIMETOTARGET_DESC"			"Get 2 Grenade Launcher direct hits within a tenth of a second"
		"GES_PITFALL_NAME"			"Pitfall"
		"GES_PITFALL_DESC"			"Get 100 non-explosive envionmental kills"
		"GES_BACKTRACKER_NAME"			"Backtracker"
		"GES_BACKTRACKER_DESC"			"Steal 100 levels in Arsenal"
		"GES_ONEMANARSENAL_DESC"		"Win a round of Arsenal using only the Slappers"
		"GES_PINEAPPLE_EXPRESS_NAME"		"Pineapple Express"
		"GES_PINEAPPLE_EXPRESS_DESC"		"Get 10 kills with Grenades you dropped on death"
		"GES_PINPOINT_PRECISION_NAME"		"Pin-point Precision"
		"GES_PINPOINT_PRECISION_DESC"		"Get 10 kills with Grenades that never touched the world"
		"GES_CHOPPINGBLOCK_NAME"		"Chopping Block"
		"GES_CHOPPINGBLOCK_DESC"		"Eliminate 20 players with Slappers in YOLT"
		"GES_LASTMANHIDING_DESC"		"Be the last man standing in YOLT with less than 2 kills"

		"GES_FRAGSTORICHES_NAME"		"From Frags to Riches"
		"GES_FRAGSTORICHES_DESC"		"Trade the Hand Grenades for the Golden Gun or Gold PP7 in Gun Trade"
		"GES_UPGRADEPATH_NAME"			"Upgrade Path"
		"GES_UPGRADEPATH_DESC"			"In Gun Trade, trade the PP7 for the Silver PP7, and then trade that for the Gold PP7 with no trades in-between"
		"GES_RETURNONINVESTMENT_NAME"		"Return on Investment"
		"GES_RETURNONINVESTMENT_DESC"		"In Gun Trade, return the weapon most recently used to kill you to the person who killed you with it"

		"GES_FORTKNOX_NAME"			"Fort Knox"
		"GES_FORTKNOX_DESC"			"In Man with the Golden Gun, get 10 kills after picking up the Golden Gun without using or dropping it"
		"GES_GOLDSTANDARD_NAME"			"Gold Standard"
		"GES_GOLDSTANDARD_DESC"			"In Man with the Golden Gun, win the round without using any weapon other than the Golden Gun"
		"GES_GOINGFORTHEGOLD_NAME"		"Going for the Gold"
		"GES_GOINGFORTHEGOLD_DESC"		"Pick up the Golden Gun 100 times in Man with the Golden Gun"

		"GES_CROUCHINGTIGER_NAME"		"Crouching Tiger"
		"GES_CROUCHINGTIGER_DESC"		"Kill 7 enemies without moving or dying in LTK"
		"GES_LICENCETOSPREEKILL_NAME"		"License to Spree Kill"
		"GES_LICENCETOSPREEKILL_DESC"		"Kill 4 enemies within 7 seconds in LTK"
		"GES_VIEWTONOKILLS_NAME"		"View to No Kills"
		"GES_VIEWTONOKILLS_DESC"		"Win a round of VTAK without killing anyone"
		"GES_ALLTHETIME_NAME"			"We've Got All the Time in the World"
		"GES_ALLTHETIME_DESC"			"Achieve Certain Victory in VTAK"
		"GES_FINESTHOUR_NAME"			"His Finest Hour"
		"GES_FINESTHOUR_DESC"			"Steal a total of 60 minutes of time in VTAK"
		"GES_FLAGTAG_NAME"			"Flag Tag"
		"GES_FLAGTAG_DESC"			"Use the Flag to steal a point 100 times in Living Daylights"
		"GES_KINGOFTHEFLAG_NAME"		"King of the Flag"
		"GES_KINGOFTHEFLAG_DESC"		"Win a round of Living Daylights with less than 10 points"

		"GES_FLAGGEDDOWN_NAME"			"Flagged Down"
		"GES_FLAGGEDDOWN_DESC"			"Kill an enemy who has your Flag with their Flag in Capture the Flag"
		"GES_FLAGSAVER_NAME"			"Flag Saver"
		"GES_FLAGSAVER_DESC"			"Capture the enemy Flag 10 times in Capture the Flag"
		"GES_CYCLEOFDEATH_NAME"			"Cycle of Death"
		"GES_CYCLEOFDEATH_DESC"			"Land 2 Cougar Magnum headshots on the same target within 1 second"
		"GES_HIGHLYTRAINED_NAME"		"Highly Trained Operative"
		"GES_HIGHLYTRAINED_DESC"		"Get a kill with 9 different weapons in one life"
		"GES_SILENTOPP_NAME"			"Silent Opposition"
		"GES_SILENTOPP_DESC"			"In Deathmatch, get 5 kills with the Silenced PP7 without taking any damage between them"
		"GES_PERFECTAGENT_NAME"			"The Perfect Agent"
		"GES_PERFECTAGENT_DESC"			"Earn 8128 kills!"

		// -----------------------------
		"GES_GP_NOHELP"			"Scenario help was not provided.\nPlease contact the Server Host for details."

		"GES_GP_DEATHMATCH_HELP"	"The goal here is simple, kill or be killed. You will have to find weapons scattered around the level and engage your enemies with lead.\n\nTeamplay: Toggleable"
		"GES_GP_TOURNAMENTDM_HELP"	"The goal here is simple, kill or be killed. You will have to find weapons scattered around the level and engage your enemies with lead.\n\nTournament Deathmatch is designed for Clan playoffs and uses Team Spawns on the map.\n\nTeamplay: Always"
		"GES_GP_LTK_HELP"		"All damage will result in an instant kill, so be frantic and aim well because you either kill or be killed!\n\nTeamplay: Toggleable"
		"GES_GP_MWGG_HELP"		"A single Golden Gun, which will always kill in one hit, will spawn somewhere in the map.\n\nA The player who picks up the Golden Gun can only have one armor vest and is represented on the radar by a yellow dot for all to see.\n\nTeamplay: Never"
		"GES_GP_YOLT_HELP"		"You only have two lives during the course of the round. Kill others so that they cannot respawn.\n\nThe last man standing gets one point for each player in the round!\n\nTeamplay: Toggleable"
		"GES_GP_GUNGAME_HELP"	"Get a kill with your current gun to make progress towards getting the next gun in the set.\nBe the first one to level 10 to win the match.\n\nSlapper kills steal an entire level from your victim and give you armor.\n\nTeamplay: Never"
		"GES_GP_LALD_HELP"		"A player is randomly selected to be the Baron every round. As the Baron, you have to eliminate all the players and you get three uses of your voodoo powers which teleport you to another place on the map and level you up. Every time you die you level up. Watch out for the player with the Golden Gun!\n\nAs a player you get the Golden Gun and try to kill the Baron before he kills you.\n\nTeamplay: Never"
		"GES_GP_LD_HELP"		"Flags are strewn about the level and must be held to gain points. When you hold the flag you are unable to use your weapons, but can pickup ammo, armor, and weapons for extra points!\n\nTeamplay: Toggleable"
		"GES_GP_CAPTUREKEY_HELP"	"Capture the opposing team's Flag by bringing it to your capture area.  Return your Flag to your base by touching it.\n\nYou cannot capture if the enemy is holding your Flag.\n\nHollow circles on the radar indicate Flag capture points. Look for the objective icons on screen to guide you to success.\n\nTeamplay: Always"
		"GES_GP_ARSENAL_HELP"		"At the start of the round, every player will be given a level 1 weapon. In order to level up towards the next weapon in the arsenal, score a kill. \n\nSlapper kills will steal an entire level from the victim, and give the killer armor. \n\nThe first player to score a kill with the final weapon wins the round.\n\nTeamplay: Never"
		"GES_GP_DAD_HELP"			"------ Version: %s1 ------\nTeam mates can be resurrected in two ways:\n1)Stand next to one of your team's gravestones until the resurrection has finished.\n2)Aim at a gravestone and press the voodoo key (%cl_ge_voodoo%), then continue aiming at it until the resurrection has finished.\n\n---------- Credits ---------\nBased on Mefy's MOHAA \"Freeze Tag\" mode.\n\nThe gravestones were created by Kraid.\nTranslators: namajnaG,Kraid,VGF,Matteo Bini\nCoding help: KillerMonkey"
		"GES_GP_VTAK_HELP"	"Stay alive as long as possible!\n\nYou are scored on your longest inning, which is the time from spawn to death.\n\nKilling a player will give you 1/2 of their current inning time, and using the slappers will give you 3/4 of it.\n\nIf your current inning time is above one minute, and within 3/4 of the best current inning time, you will be flagged as an objective for other players.\n\nTeamplay: Toggleable"
		"GES_GP_GT_HELP"	"Every player is given a unique weapon.  Every kill will cause the attacker and victim to trade weapons.\n\nSlapper kills will give the victim the attacker's weapon, but give the attacker a new weapon from the queue of unused weapons.\n\nTeamplay: Toggleable"

		"GES_GP_MWGG_NAME"			"Man With The Golden Gun"
		"GES_GP_YOLT_NAME"			"You Only Live Twice"
		"GES_GP_LTK_NAME"			"License To Kill"
		"GES_GP_TOURNAMENTDM_NAME"	"Tournament Deathmatch"
		"GES_GP_LALD_NAME"			"Live and Let Die"
		"GES_GP_LD_NAME"			"The Living Daylights"
		"GES_GP_CAPTUREKEY_NAME"	"Capture The Flag"
		"GES_GP_ARSENAL_NAME"		"Arsenal"
		"GES_GP_DAD_NAME"			"Die Another Day"
		"GES_GP_VTAK_NAME"			"View to a Kill"
		"GES_GP_GT_NAME"			"Gun Trade"

		"GES_GP_GETREADY"		"Get ready to start!"
		"GES_GP_WARMUP"			"Warmup Time Remaining: %s1"
		"GES_GP_WAITING"		"Waiting for enough players to start!"
		"GES_GP_NOJOIN"			"%s1 cannot join because the round is in progress."
		"GES_GP_NORANK"			"^oYou are not playing!"
		"GES_GP_RANK"			"^oYou are currently %s1 of %s2 players."
		"GES_GP_FOES"			"Foes: "
		"GES_GP_SHOWDOWN"		"Showdown - Armor will not respawn!"
		"GES_GP_OPENROUND"		"Round will lock on first kill"

		"GES_GPH_AUTOTEAM_TITLE"	"Auto Team Switch"
		"GES_GPH_AUTOTEAM"		"You have been automatically switched to team %s1 to balance the teams."
		"GES_GPH_JOINTEAM"		"You are now on team %s1! Work with your teammates to defeat the other team!"
		"GES_GPH_OBJECTIVE"		"Objective"
		"GES_GPH_RADAR"			"Radar Help"
		"GES_GPH_SCORING"		"Scoring"
		"GES_GPH_ELIMINATED"		"You have been eliminated. You must wait until the round ends!"
		"GES_GPH_OVERTIME"			"The round has entered overtime. Help make the final push to win!"
		"GES_GPH_CANTJOIN_TITLE"	"Round in Progress"
		"GES_GPH_CANTJOIN"			"The round is currently in progress and you can't join until it is finished."
		"GES_GPH_OVERTIME_TRIP"		"Overtime timelimit will expire in %s1 seconds!"

		"GES_GPH_DM_GOAL"		"Simple deathmatch gameplay, kill as many players as you can before time runs out!"
		"GES_GPH_LTK_GOAL"		"With your License To Kill, every weapon results in one-hit kills!"

		"GES_GPH_YOLT_GOAL"		"You only have two lives.  Once they are gone you will be eliminated from the round!"
		"GES_GP_YOLT_ELIMINATED"	"^1%s1 ^4has been eliminated."

		"GES_GP_GT_SWAP"		"^4The ^1%s1 ^4has been swapped for the ^1%s2"
		"GES_GPH_GT_GOAL"		"Each kill will cause the killer to trade weapons with their victim!"

		"GES_GPH_MWGG_GOAL"		"Find the Golden Gun and use it to dispatch your enemies!"
		"GES_GPH_MWGG_RADAR"		"Dropped Golden Gun -> Icon\nHeld Golden Gun -> Gold Blip"
		"GES_GP_MWGG_PICKED"		"^1%s1 ^ypicked up the Golden Gun!"
		"GES_GP_MWGG_DROPPED"		"^1%s1 ^ydropped the Golden Gun!"
		"GES_GP_MWGG_HAVEGG"		"You have the Golden Gun!"

		"GES_GPH_CTK_TAGLINE"		"Capture Flag"
		"GES_GPH_CTK_OBJECTIVES"	"Team Janus needs to steal the Blue Flag while Team MI6 needs to steal the Red Flag!"
		"GES_GPH_CTK_RADAR"			"Squares represent objectives, hollow circles represent capture points"
		"GES_GP_CTK_KEY"			"Blue Flag"
		"GES_GP_CTK_OBJ_CAPTURE"	"capture"
		"GES_GP_CTK_OBJ_MI6"		"blue flag"
		"GES_GP_CTK_OBJ_JANUS"		"red flag"
		"GES_GP_CTK_CAPTURE"		"%s1 has captured the %s2!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_DROPPED"		"%s1 has dropped the %s2!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_DEFENDED"		"%s1%s2 defended the %s3"
		"GES_GP_CTK_PICKED_FRIEND"	"%s1 has grabbed the %s2!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_PICKED_FOE"		"%s1 has stolen your %s2!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_RETURNED_FRIEND"	"%s1 has recovered your %s2!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_RETURNED_FOE"	"%s1 has returned their %s2!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_OVERTIME_SCORE"	"%s1 Scored in Overtime!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_CAPTURE_OVR"	"Capture Override:"
		"GES_GP_CTK_CAPTURE_DENY"	"You cannot capture while the other team has your Flag!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_TOKEN_DROP"		"You can drop the Flag in %s1 seconds!"
		"GES_GP_CTK_TOKEN_DROP_DISABLED"	"The server does not allow Flag dropping"
		"GES_GP_CTK_TOKEN_DROP_NOFLAG"		"You do not have a Flag to drop!"

		"GES_GPH_LD_TAGLINE"		"Carry a Flag to earn points"
		"GES_GPH_LD_FLAG_POINTS"	"Slap 'em Silly: 1 hit = steal 1 point\nPickup Equipment: Armor > Weapons > Ammo\nRun Away: escape damage to earn armor and points."
		"GES_GP_LD_OBJ"				"Flag"
		"GES_GP_LD_ESCAPED"			"You have escaped combat %s1 time."
		"GES_GP_LD_ESCAPED_P"		"You have escaped combat %s1 times."
		"GES_GP_LD_TEAMHOLDS"		"Your team holds %s1 / %s2 flags"
		"GES_GP_LD_LOSEPOINTS"		"You lost %s1 point."
		"GES_GP_LD_LOSEPOINTS_P"	"You lost %s1 points."
		"GES_GP_LD_STOLEPOINTS"		"You stole %s1 point."
		"GES_GP_LD_STOLEPOINTS_P"	"You stole %s1 points."

		"GES_GPH_LALD_TAGLINE"		"Kill the Baron with the Golden Gun"
		"GES_GPH_LALD_ASBOND_GG"	"Acquire the Golden Gun! Killing other Bonds is pointless."
		"GES_GPH_LALD_ASBOND_WIN"	"Use the Golden Gun to defeat Baron Samedi and win the round."
		"GES_GPH_LALD_ASBARON"		"Eliminate all players to win the round. Level up by being killed & using Voodoo. Golden Gun is your weakness."
		"GES_GPH_LALD_VOODOO"		"Use your voodoo powers (press %cl_ge_voodoo%) to teleport across the map! Recharge by making kills with your Knife."
		"GES_GPH_LALD_BL"			"Make kills with your Knife to regain voodoo power"
		"GES_GP_LALD_NOTBARON"		"You are not Baron Samedi."
		"GES_GP_LALD_AREBARON"		"You are Baron Samedi."
		"GES_GP_LALD_IMPBARON"		"You may not impersonate Baron Samedi."
		"GES_GP_LALD_WEAPON"		"Baron Samedi carries %s1 weapon."
		"GES_GP_LALD_WEAPON_P"		"Baron Samedi carries %s1 weapons."
		"GES_GP_LALD_DAMAGE"		"Baron Samedi does +%s1% damage."
		"GES_GP_LALD_BARONWINS"		"The Baron stands triumphant."
		"GES_GP_LALD_BARONLOSES"	"The Baron concedes."
		"GES_GP_LALD_NOPOWER"		"Your power is exhausted."
		"GES_GP_LALD_VOODOO"		"Voodoo: %s1"
		"GES_GP_LALD_NOVOODOO"		"Exhausted"

		"GES_GPH_GUNGAME_GOAL"		"Use your given weapon to get kills and level up. First to level 10 wins!"
		"GES_GP_GUNGAME_LEVEL"		"^lLevel %s1: ^y%s2"
		"GES_GP_GUNGAME_KILLS"		"^lKills until next level: ^y%s1"
		"GES_GP_GUNGAME_SLAPPED"	"^y%s1^l lost a level. ^y%s2 ^lgained armor!"
		"GES_GP_GUNGAME_SLAPPED_NOLOSS"	"^y%s1 ^lgained armor!"

		"GES_GP_TDM_GOAL_MANY"		"The first team to score %s1 kills wins."
		"GES_GP_TDM_GOAL_ONE"		"The first team to score a kill wins."
		"GES_GP_TDM_FIRSTBLOOD"		"%s1 ^1got first blood."
		"GES_GP_TDM_WON"			"%s1 ^1has won the match."
		"GES_GP_TDM_FRAGS_LEFT"		"%s1 ^1needs ^y%s2 ^1more frag."
		"GES_GP_TDM_FRAGS_LEFT_P"	"%s1 ^1needs ^y%s2 ^1more frags."

		"GES_GPH_AR_GOAL"			"Use your given weapons to get kills and level up to the next weapon in the arsenal."
		"GES_GP_AR_FINALWEAPON"		"^y%s1 ^lis on the final weapon!"

		"GES_GP_DAD_RESURRECTING"                        "Resurrecting:"
		"GES_GP_DAD_FIRST_SPAWN_INSTRUCTIONS"            "Eliminate your opponents and resurrect your eliminated team mates."
		"GES_GP_DAD_YOU_CANT_SPAWN_YET"                  "You Can't Spawn Yet"
		"GES_GP_DAD_NEW_PLAYER_CANT_JOIN_TEAM"           "New players won't spawn until a team mate spawns them, this prevents resurrection rejoins."
		"GES_GP_DAD_PLAYER_CANT_CHANGE_TEAM"             "You won't spawn until a team mate spawns you because you were eliminated in your previous team."
		"GES_GP_DAD_ELIMINATED_SPECTATOR_CANT_JOIN_TEAM" "You won't spawn until a team mate spawns you because you were eliminated before you became a spectator."
		"GES_GP_DAD_MI6_PLAYER_ELIMINATED"               "^iA MI6 player has been eliminated: %s1"
		"GES_GP_DAD_JANUS_PLAYER_ELIMINATED"             "^rA Janus player has been eliminated: %s1"
		"GES_GP_DAD_MI6_PLAYER_RESURRECTED"              "^iA MI6 player has been resurrected: %s1"
		"GES_GP_DAD_JANUS_PLAYER_RESURRECTED"            "^rA Janus player has been resurrected: %s1"
		"GES_GP_DAD_RESURRECTION_QUEUE_POSITION"         "Your resurrection queue position is: %s1"
		"GES_GP_DAD_ELIMINATED"                          "Eliminated"

		// Server Options
		"GE_ServerName"		"Server Name"
		"GE_MaxPlayers"		"Max Players"
		"GE_ServerPW"		"Server Password"
		"GE_MapTime"		"Map Time (minutes)"
		"GE_MapTimeLeft"	"Map Time Left"
		"GE_RoundTime"		"Round Time (seconds)"
		"GE_WepSet"			"Weapon Set"
		"GE_GameMode"		"Game Mode"
		"GE_TeamPlayOnly"	"Team Play"
		"GE_TeamPlay"		"Allow Team Play"
		"GE_Jumping"		"Jumping"
		"GE_Paintball"		"Paintball Mode"
		"GE_Radar"			"Radar"
		"GE_StartArmed"		"Start Armed"
		"GE_ForceRespwn"	"Force Respawn"
		"GE_FriendlyFire"	"Friendly Fire"
		"GE_TurboMode"		"Turbo Mode"

		//User Custom Options
		"GE_3DHUD"		"Draw certain HUD elements at depth (for NVIDIA 3D Vision)"
		"GE_FastSwitch"		"Fast Weapon Switch"
		"GE_AutoSwitch"		"Auto Switch On Weapon Pickup"
		"GE_RadarPos"		"Radar Position"
		"GE_ShowRadar"		"Show the radar (if allowed by the server)"
		"GE_DisableExpHeatWave"	"Disable heat wave effect on rolling explosions (Performance Increase Possible)"
		"GE_DisableMuzzleSmoke" "Disable muzzle smoke from appearing"
		"GE_DisableMusic"	"Disable the playing of special music (Round End, etc.)"
		"GE_DisableBlood"	"Disable the showing of the Blood Screen effect on death"
		"GE_HideAfterAct"	"Automatically hide the After Action Report when the round restarts"
		"GE_FPDeath"		"View First Person Deaths"
		"GE_AutoTPV"		"Auto switch to Third Person Death if view is blocked"
		"GE_DisablePopupHelp"	"Disable Gameplay Pop-Out Help"
		"GE_DisableHitSound"	"Disable the hit confirmation sound"
		"GE_DisableKillSound"	"Disable the kill confirmation sound"
		"GE_FastSwitchList"		"Show weapon list during fast switch"
		"GE_KillfeedSkins"		"Show weapon cosmetic traits in killfeed"
		"GE_WeaponStats"		"Show numerical values in weapon help"
		"GE_DrawChat"			"Show the chat"
		"GE_CosmeticWeapons"	"Avoid spawning with cosmetic weapons"
		"GE_DevTags"			"Hide your Achievement Medals/Dev Tags"
		"GE_SwitchEmpty"		"Automatically switch away from weapons with no ammo"
		"GE_DisableExpDynLight"	"Disable Dynamic lights on explosions"