Represents generic ge player
Beta 4.0
Make the player spawn.<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: None<br>
Increase score. Note can decrease it by passing neg value<br> Parameters: int Value to add<br> Return: None<br>
Get max armor<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: int<br>
Get max health<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: int<br>
Get score<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: int<br>
Gets the model character ident<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: string<br>
Sets max armor<br> Parameters: int Max armor<br> Return: None<br>
Sets damage multiplier<br> Parameters: int Damage multi<br> Return: None<br>
Sets player current armor value<br> Parameters: int Armor value<br> Return: None<br>
Sets players max health value<br> Parameters: int Max Health<br> Return: None<br>
Sets player current health value<br> Parameters: int Health value<br> Return: None<br>
Gets player current score<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: int<br>
Forces player to switch to weapon<br> Parameters: string Weapon name<br> Return: None<br>
Remove all weapons from the player<br> Parameters: None<br> Return: None<br>
Gives weapon to player<br> Parameters: string Weapon name, int Ammo count, bool stripAmmo<br> Return: None<br>