Lol Another Day 2 is a Goldeneye Source 'Machinima' created by Xanatos and the Janus Syndicate Clan. It premiered on Thursday, May 18th, 2006 and since then has gained a total of over 10,000 views. There are movie spoilers throughout this article, so proceed with caution.
The movie, undoubtedly the largest GE:S third-party media creation, is 16 minutes long. The recording took place on the Janus Syndicate Server #1 and the video footage was recorded through FRAPS and edited in Sony Vegas. In addition to using the maps and models from Alpha 1.1, custom maps were made specifically for the movie and models were ported and used through a third-party plugin. This plugin allowed setting a player's model as any 'tangent' object from GE:S or HL2. This is the premise behind the 'Ammo Crates Attack' sequence, where the ammo crates with guns on top of them were actually players. A large portion of -[JS- members]] took part acting in the movie, while other well-known public server regulars and GE:S Developers were in a number of sequences. The recording and editing was done by Xanatos. The movie received much positive feedback for it's random humor, goldeneye/bond references, parodies, and style.
The beginning, of course, starts with the famous gunbarrel sequence, but since this isn't exactly a James Bond movie and the Janus Syndicate is a clan with a bond villain theme, we contributed to the humor by exposing 007 in ways he is not normally seen - dying. The obvious purpose of this movie was to go above and beyond the previous, merely experimental, movies.
“I saw the first Lol Another Day, then I saw the second one, then I laughed realizing how much better the second one is.” -Jimmy
“The first Lol Another Day was basically, hey we're all in a public server and I have a funny idea, you guys do it and I'll record a demo. It was then put together in one big mess. While we still had a number of scenes I really liked and the whole style of it, when it came to making our next movie I wanted to still keep some elements of that style but enhance it much further in terms of humor and quality. When people comment on the video there's always a few scenes that stick out as funny to them and surprisingly it never is just the same few scenes. It varies almost every time from person to person. This time we actually have somewhat-scripted sequences, icons and references every viewer should relate to, and whatnot.” -Xanatos
====Making Of====
The Dam sequence was made in Garry's mod. The bungee jump and fall took around 3 hours of gametime and setup. The parts with Bond actually doing the bungee jump was a difficult thing to obtain. Three to four people were working on the sequence but after many tries, it was next to impossible to get Bond to fluidly fall off the dam. An elastic rope was attached to Bond's foot after he was made into a 'statue'. What we found out was that pulling Bond all the way down to the bottom of the dam with the physgun and letting go was a far easier alternative. That is how we filmed this portion - in reverse. All the clips you see with Bond descending off the dam were reversed with the video editing software used, as it proved to be much easier than doing the other way around in Garry's mod.
The Facility scenes, in addition to the Dam sequence, were meant to look near-identical to the actual Goldeneye Movie. A lot of the angles, pans, and shots were as close as they could be but were compressed for time. In order to get the custom models into game, a third party plugin named GoldenAdmin was used. It could not only set the player model, but also do an abundance of other tasks.
The hardest scene to accomplish was the russian guards flanking into the lab. We had to use the cheat cvar 'ent_remove' on the lab door, otherwise getting the soldiers into the lab would've been an even harder task. Although there never was a perfect cut and the recorded footage was probably off of the wrong demo, the fact that the russian guards are struggling adds to the parody element.
The dance scenes had to be very choreographed. In previous movies, the instructions were very simple: 'just jump around a bunch'. This time, each person or a set of people had to be told what to do and when to do it, otherwise there would've been no synchronization.
The scene with all the junk falling on a blue bond (supposed to be Trevelyan) was done in Garry's mod. It simply required the freezing of many objects and then unfreezing them, hoping to get a decent looking cut. Many of the cuts turned out poorly, and the only decent cut was where the props actually fell on the recorder while killing him. Using the demo playback tool, a shot from out in the distance was made possible. It was homage to a Garrysmod film entitled Randomsauce where there is a very similar scene.
Everything with ammocrates used Golden Admin - in the Ammo Crates Attack sequence, player models were set as the GE:S ammocrate model. In the sequence with the bond essentially 'drowning' in ammocrates involved the duplicating ammocrates into the one area. The people surrounding these ammocrates had to make sure they had full ammo for the weapons they had otherwise they would get rid of a large portion of the crates.
Other tasks for a number of other scenes included further use of GoldenAdmin, to also modify physic settings, and to push around props while in game.
====Custom Maps & Models Used====
Maps <br>
*testdam22 - A map by MrSentual created specifically for the movie. This map is made up of the bungee jump platform, the towers, and the dam itself. The 'secret island', an easter egg from the N64 version, can be seen in the background. We used this map with Garry's mod to record the bungee jump.
*knifescene - A map by Boris. It was used for the final showdown near the end of the movie. The locale is modeled after the dojo from the bond film Man With The Golden Gun.
*jmovie6 - A map by X23. It was used in this movie and the previous film, Lol Another Day 1. <br>
Models/Animations <br>
*Kleiner - Porting over to GE:S by Pimpinjuice. There were some complications with porting his glasses therefore in shots where you see kleiner running around in GE:S, he doesn't have any. He was meant to be the facility scientist throughout. The model was accessed via a third party plugin.
*The Russian Guard - Skin by MrSentual and Pimpinjuice. It essentially is a stripped down Ourumov but with a new head, since it has no badges noticable. This head was taken from another CSS skin. It was then recolored and textured. You can see a red star on the cap, similar to the guards in the actual Goldeneye movie. The model was accessed via a third party plugin.
*Mario and Luigi - Porting over to GE:S by Pimpinjuice. These also were CSS models. When Pimpinjuice first had the idea of using these models in the movie, it was dismissed as a silly random add-in, but it turned out to be very beneficial to the movie overall in four scenes total. The model was accessed via a third party plugin.
====Easter Eggs====
*0:34 into the movie: The dam “secret island” from the N64 version can be seen in the distance.
*1:10 into the movie: After the snap when the 2 boats fall you can see the Gman visible on the second boat, falling along with it, which is a silly reference to the gunbarrel.
*1:43 into the movie: In the lab area behind Bond and Trevelyan, the scientist that was shot earlier was meant to be in clear view lying on the ground dead with blood splattered on the ground. However because of client-side ragdolls in the source engine, it was not visible in the demo and thus was not seen in the actual recording.
*5:25 into the movie: To understand this scene and easter egg, it would help to have a knowledge of backzone. In the map you could push the table back into the far corner right at the spawnpoint. When people spawned here, they would likely be stripped of all their weapons and would be running around like the Oddjob in the scene earlier. In a few public servers, players would team up and do this in the room, having 1 person essentially blocking the door so noone could enter to shoot them. Jokingly, the people in this room would make the players who spawn without weapons to do silly things like spin around on the lab table. So in this scene, the 'jailers' killed the Oddjob that was standing on the table and they joined Bond in his Austin Powers dance spree. The Oddjob, according to sequence of events, respawned and killed his previous jailers. You can see one of the jailers respawn in this prison spawn point.
*10:06 into the movie: Xanatos, as the cameraman, gets shot once by an ammocrate.
*Throughout the movie: There are about 3 instances where ammo crates respawn and randomly pop up in a scene.
=====TrashTalk Machinima Series=====
In Episode 12 of Trashtalk (Released October 12th, entitled “New Game Roundup”) clips from Lol Another Day 2 were shown on the Gaming Talk-show Machinima series as a part of the episode. It parodied the Bond vs Mario duel at the end as a new psychopath Nintendo Wii game entitled “Mario Mortal Kombat” and it also included small clips of the Ourumuv and Russian Guard dance in Facility Backzone.
*HL1 Song 11 (Lambda)
*The Goldeneye Overture (Taken from the movie)
*Dschingis Khan - Kazachek
*Soul Bossa Nova - Quincy Jones And His Orchestra (Austin Powers Theme)
*Psychostick - Hokey Fkin' Pokey
*Rammstein - Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen
*The Cranberries - Zombie
*The Shag-Adelic Austin Powers Score Medley
*FF7: AC - Advent: One-Winged Angel
*Super Smash Brothers Hammer Sound
*Sonic 'drowning' music
*Matthew Wilder - Break My Stride
*Cowboy Bebop - Go Go Cactus Man
*Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past Boss Music
*Blue Wrath - I monster
Thanks to the Janus Syndicate for all the help and making this possible. Thanks to the Goldeneye Source team for making the kickass mod and supporting us. A special dedication to Nicholas "Nickster" Bishop, Rest in Peace friend, we had some good times working on the original Lol Another Day. May this movie be in your honor.
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=See Also=
*Lol Another Day 1 <br>
*The Janus Syndicate
=External Links=
**Lol Another Day 2** Demos!
Director's Commentary Version