Warrior Nation is a multi-game clan started in 1998 by a bunch of avid and dedicated gamers. Now sporting over 1,400 members, we are definitely a force in the world of gaming. We are run like a military operation, funded by our own means, with game sections and factions aplenty.<br /> In GoldenEye: Source, we, Warrior Nation, are known as a highly competitive gaming group as well as the oldest and biggest GES clan.
Late mid November 2005, thanks to former member WNxKalyse, a push for a GES section was made. Within 4 months WNxLithiumLT had helped build a movement that was rewarded with their own section on the WNx forums. He was officially appointed Major (Leader) and led from February 15, 2006 to August 15, 2006; a total of six months. With such a strong showing of support for a game only in alpha stage, he and fellow members set about setting up servers, the clan's forums and a positive environment to add to the community. He was then followed by WNxPrendatram (until June 13, 2007), WNxCJL9788 (until August 21, 2008), WNxBadPlayer (until June 20, 2009), WNxVirtualMark and WNxPPK, their current leader.
The section has faced constant fluctuations in terms of member numbers but ultimately they have been increasing until that the latest ones point to over 50 active members.
Now, more than ever, the section is going strong and proving to be the main gaming force in GoldenEye: Source while providing the mod with good players, both in the skill and social aspect.
If you want to check out more of the clan's history, click here.
<center>The WNx GoldenEye: Source banner</center>
Various movies have been created by our clan members, the most notable one being WNxSauron's Fragmovie. We also have a permanent WNx 00-Agent League tournament running from January 1st trough to December 31st. Other past events included a WNx Birthday Tournament, a Smacktorium Challenge (team Sweden vs World), a Barrel Soccer 2v2 Tournament (thanks to WNxKraid's ge_barrelsoccer map), a 32 Men Summer Tournament, a Winter 2VS2 team tournament and Operation Goldeneye (a Capture the Key tournament).
Our clan has adopted the french singer Alizée as its “mascot” after countless hours of deliberation. Players can sometimes find pictures of Alizée in the clan's servers while playing. Future plans include the creation of an official Alizée Squad™ as well as the distribution of even more ass-whooping.
Some members of the Goldeneye's section are part of a scrim team within the clan, called Moonraker Elite. If you want to play a match against us, you can contact us via one of our members. We're always pleased to compete against other teams, so do not hesitate.
With more than 50 active section members, things are in good shape in the section. We are always selectively recruiting new members (see below).
Install the game, play on one of the WNx endorsed game servers and tell a Warrior Nation Member you would like to join us.
Warrior Nation owns two public servers (one situated in the United States and the other one in the United Kingdom), as well as a private server (passworded). All our servers track your performance, courtesy of HLStatsX.