The Janus Syndicate was the first clan for Goldeneye: Source. In September/October of 2005 there was some discussion on the GE:S Forums about starting a clan specifically for the mod. A number of people showed interest, and it was not until November 19th, 2005 (before Alpha 1.0 was even released) when the Janus Syndicate was created by the leader Xanatos, co-leader nowhere, and webmaster/server provider SkyMarauder. Past clan events included the Christmas GE:S release party with over 100 guests, 32 and 16 man 1 vs. 1 tournaments, the recording of 3 movies, and more. The clan is now spanning the entire source mod community among other games, and is being more renowned for its machinima videos. It started with Goldeneye Source.
The original Janus Syndicate clan logo<br><br>
The current Janus Syndicate clan logo
The clan gets its name from the leading villian faction in Goldeneye. The clan actively takes part in the community with 2 gaming servers and a wide selection of custom maps. The members implemented team deathmatch competitively within the clan or against other clans in the alpha that had no teamplay. This practice was invented during Alpha 1.1 by the -JS- clan with each team all as one specific model and regular deathmatch played as if it's team deathmatch with recorded teamkills. The clan has also created a number of 'machinima' style movies that can be found on the website, the most notable ones being Lol Another Day 2: Live and Let Respawn and Counter-Strife: Noob's Guide to Counter Strike Source. There is also an IRC channel and a Ventrilo server which the members and visitors frequently use. Many different mods and games are played amongst the clan for fun or for the sake of playing in addition to making movies.