Table of Contents

Beta 3 Release Documentation


Beta 3: An Introduction

GoldenEye: Source Beta 3 is a culmination of over 2 years of work to completely overhaul the GoldenEye: Source mod from the EP1 Source Engine to the new Orange Box Source Engine. This overhaul constitutes new and greatly improved work from any of our other builds. With this in mind, we want to emphasize that this is a complete rewrite of the code, so any bugs or implementations from prior builds will not be present in Beta 3.

Please see the Change List for a complete list of changes in Beta 3.1 tag_new.

To start off, we will talk about what you will see when you first start the mod.

System Requirements

Your system must meet the minimum system requirements for the Orange Box Engine:

Minimum: 1.7 GHz Processor, 512MB RAM, DirectX® 8 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection<br> Recommended: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better), 1GB RAM, DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card, Windows® Vista/XP/2000, Mouse, Keyboard, Internet Connection

You must also own AT LEAST one game produced by Valve through Steam in order to download the Source SDK Base 2007.

If you need detailed instructions on installing GoldenEye: Source please refer to: Client Installation Instructions.

If you are installing a dedicated server, please refer to: Server Installation Instructions.

Starting Beta 3

Example Steam View

<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» Make sure you completely restart Steam after installing Beta 3!!

To start the mod, simply double click the GoldenEye: Source (Beta 3) title. When the game finishes initializing, you will be presented with the following menu:

Beta 3 Main Menu

At this menu, you can Join a Server, Create a Server, View your Achievements, Setup your options, View the Credits, and Quit the game.

The Options Menu

In this window, you can setup your keyboard settings, your mouse settings, Audio/Video Settings and multiplayer settings. View the official Source documentation for the first 3 items. For the multiplayer settings, Beta 3 has enabled a lot of local customization options that you will be able to modify very easily through this panel:

Beta 3 Multiplayer Options

In the main tab, you can set your spray logo (default key t) or import your own and set your download preferences when joining a server. In the Advanced Options menu you can setup how specific items on the HUD / VGUI are during gameplay.

Create a Server Menu

Beta 3 Create a Server

When you create a server from this menu, it creates what is called a “Listen Server.” This is distinguished from a Dedicated Server in that you are playing the game WHILE hosting the game for others to join in a Listen Server. By default, your listen server is run on your LAN only. To enable it to be visible on the internet servers listing, you must type in sv_lan 0 in the console (See Steam Documentation).

On the Options tab of the Create Server menu you will find many different server options that you can set to customize your gameplay.

<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» When setting your weaponset and gameplay you have to type in the identity of the respective entry.<br> This is explained in the Server Commands further down the page.


Beta 3 Achievements

Unfortunately, because Valve has not opened their achievements server to every mod who *wants* to use them, we cannot offer the full functionality of Achievements that, say, Team Fortress 2 offers. However, the programmers of Beta 3 have figured out a clever work around to let you, the end user, earn and strive for Achievements in our game none the less. This section will be a brief run down of the differences in the Achievement process between Beta 3 and officially released games such as Team Fortress 2.

<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» It is imperative that you do not delete your gamestate.txt file from the gesource directory<br> or else you will lose ALL progress on your Achievements. Also, if you play on multiple computers, you MUST <br> manually transfer the gamestate.txt file in order to use your current Achievement state.

In Beta 3, achievements are an excellent way to track your playing style in the game. We offer over 35 achievements! The weapons achievements each have three distinct levels: Agent, Secret Agent, and 00 Agent. The three levels have goals of 50, 100, 150 respectively. When you achieve one level, you will unlock the next level. There are also several “hidden” achievements that will be unlocked and visible on your achievement VGUI once you achieve at least 1 of the conditions. Good luck!!

List of Achievements

<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» Your Achievements WILL NOT be visible on your Steam Profile for reasons stated above.

In-Game Menus (VGUI)

This section will introduce you to Beta 3's in-game menus, or VGUIs. These are a critical piece of our mod because they allow you to see what is happening quickly and efficiently while playing, and also allow you to interact and change your experience. Please pay careful attention to the number sequence as that is how we will reference different parts of the image in the description.

Team Menu

Team Menu VGUI

This is the first menu that you will see when you join a server. You can press the X in the top right to close the menu without making changes. This menu takes on two roles:

:(#1) The first is a team chooser. When teamplay is enabled you will see the buttons laid out as in the image. When teamplay is disabled, you will see “Join Game” and “Spectate.” The number next to the team indicates the amount of players on that team.

:(#2) The second is a server setting indicator. When you first join this instantly lets you know exactly what pertinent settings the server has enabled/disabled. It also shows you the MOTD, the current Weaponset and the current Scenario being played.

Character Selection

Character Select VGUI

After you join a team you will be presented with the character selection VGUI. This menu allows you to quickly and easily choose who you want to play as. <font color=red>*NOTE*</font» When you first join a server or just after changing levels, you WILL NOT spawn into the game until you choose a character! When teamplay is enabled, you will only be presented with those characters which belong to the team that you are on. Your last chosen character is saved so that the next time you open the menu, or join another server, you will start off with that character you played as last. If teamplay it chooses your favorite character on the team you are on. The following is a description of the boxes:

:(#1) This is where you choose your character, use the arrows on the left or right to change the selection and scroll the list. You can also click the character portrait to select it. Double click to choose your character immediately.

:(#2) You can choose the skin that your character will have by selecting these buttons. Only Bond has multiple skins in Beta 3 (sorry!)

:(#3) When you are satisfied with your selection, press Accept to set your character, or cancel to get out of the menu.



The scoreboard is how you can view your current ranking quickly and easily while playing Beta 3. The scoreboard also presents a multitude of other information that is cleverly out of the way to prevent clutter:

:(#1) This is the name of the server you are currently in.

:(#2) The skull icon indicates that the player is dead. In YOLT, this is an easy way to tell who is left in the round!

:(#3) This is the header for the scores. In teamplay, as in this picture, each score section is color coded and the team's score is presented next to it's name and player count. We use the concept of “Score” in Beta 3 instead of kills because you can receive points for doing special things during the gameplay.

:(#4) The bottom portion of the scoreboard shows you three pieces of important information. The left side is the current map. The center is the map time remaining. The right side it the current gameplay scenario.

End of Round Report

Round Report VGUI

When the round ends, a lot of things happen. Firstly, all the scores are compiled and the winner is chosen. Secondly, the awards and favorite weapons are determined. All this information is sent to everyone and is displayed on the End of Round Report. This report summarizes the entire round that you just played. The following are the sections:

:(#1) This displays the scenario for the round, and if teamplay is enabled, the current team scores

:(#2) This shows all the players that participated in the round. The orange highlight indicates that is YOU.

:(#3) This shows who officially WON the round. Sometimes, such as in YOLT, the winner will not have the highest score in the round. Also, in teamplay, the team that scored the most point IN THAT ROUND will be pronounced the winner.

:(#4) These are the awards. A maximum of 6 are given out each round, awards are given to the *MOST DESERVING* players.

Round Report VGUI

:(#1) When you receive an award, it will be indicated with a green check mark to pick it out easily.

Spectator VGUI

Spectator VGUI

As a spectator, you will see this VGUI overlaid on your screen to give you information while you observe other player's. As in other Source games, if you press CROUCH (default CTRL) you will bring up the spectator menu where you can show the scores, select which player you want to observe, and change your observation mode. You can also accomplish the latter task by pressing your JUMP (default SPACE) key.

:(#1) This shows who you are currently spectator and their Health / Armor percentage left.

:(#2) This is the current map you are on.

:(#3) This is the time left in the round.

HUD Elements

Beta 3 supports a very minimal interface. Due to the nature of the gameplay, it is imperative to present the player with the most amount of information in the least amount of time. I will discuss the HUD in two sections. The first will deal with the left hand side, and the second, the right hand side.

HUD Left Side

:(#1) This is where the death messages will show up. If teamplay is disabled, the killer will be colored in red, the victim in green, and the weapon used in blue. If your name is present in the death message, it will be highlighted in yellow to make it easier to pick out your own kills/deaths. If teamplay is enabled, the team colors will be used instead of the red/green scheme.

:(#2) If you receive a notice about your achievements, whether it be a progress update, unlock notice, or a completion it will show here. When this appears a special music cue will be played (if enabled) so that you are aware of it.

:(#3) All chat messages and gameplay notifications will come in this area. You can filter out certain server messages through the filter box after you enter chat mode. This is the same functionality as other source games. When a server variable change occurs that will impact the gameplay, it will show in the chat area in an orange color.

:(#4) This is your ammo display. On the left is your remaining clip, an icon indicating the bullet type is in the center, and the right is the total amount remaining. When you pick up a weapon that has a large clip, you may notice the total ammo display drop sharply. This is the automatic holstered weapon reload feature working!

HUD Right Side

:(#1) In this area you will see various ammo and gun icons as you play. This indicates weapons and ammo that you pickup. The most recent pickup will be on the bottom.

:(#2) This is the weapon selection menu. This will only be visible if Fast Weapon Switch is disabled. The number to the left of the weapon name indicates the weapon group. If you press that corresponding number on your keyboard you will select that group. Subsequent presses will result in going through each weapon in that group.

:(#3) These two elements are the most important in the game. The top is the radar and the bottom is the round timer. I will discuss the radar more below. The round timer will flash orange every 10 seconds when the time left reaches 30 seconds. When the time left reaches 10 seconds, it will flash red every second until the end of the round.

The radar is a very complex, but also a very easy to use HUD element if you know what to look for. In the picture above you can see several triangles and several circles. The circle means there is a player at the same height as you, a triangle with it's tip pointing up indicates a player above you, and a triangle with it's tip pointing down indicates a player below you. The colors mean as follows: Green: Enemy Red: Camping Enemy White: Teammate Gold: Golden Gun holder in MWGG

Icons can also be placed on the radar, such as in MWGG if the Golden Gun is on the ground then it's icon will be displayed on the radar. The radar supports having objects be “Always Visible” no matter their distance. When this flag is set for the item/player they will appear on the very edge of the circle if they are farther away then the maximum radar distance.

<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» The radar can be disabled by the server!

Advanced Topics

Ok, so now you know what is what in the game. This section will go over how we implemented and designed certain features so that you will know what to expect when you start to get into the grit of Beta 3. Please note that we have taken considerable measures and many many hours of play testing to develop these methodologies to be consistent, fair, and fun. Some of our implementations do not align with the original GoldenEye 64, this is due to many factors, including the most obvious one of having more than 4 players and a dynamic hosting environment. We encourage feedback, so please post your ideas on our forum!


Awards were a very underutilized feature in GE64, so we decided to expand upon the idea of awards and make them a very fun and central addition to Beta 3. Awards are given out to the Most Deserving players. We use a dynamically changing formula based on the number of players in a server to determine if an award should be given. A maximum of six awards are given per round, these are the top six awards based on our formulas with the most deserving in the top left spot moving to the least deserving in the bottom right slot. This gives you a relative idea on how far ahead you were of other players with your award.

Please go here to see the details of the awards: Awards

Server Variables and Commands

Beta 3 ushers in a whole new era of customization in gaming, not just in the mod world. In order to control these customizations, every server owner should know, at least, the following CVars. More advanced CVars are located below these and offer you the ability to make your server truly yours. Note: The default value of each variable is located in ( ) next to the definition

Necessary Commands

ge_gameplay ident <tt>(deathmatch)</tt><br> :This controls what game scenario the server will be running. A game scenario is defined by the LUA scripts installed in your server. When this command is given, the round will automatically end, showing the round report, and restart after the specified delay with the new scenario running. BETA 3 ships with the following scenarios:

Deathmatch: ge_gameplay deathmatch Tournament Deathmatch: ge_gameplay tournamentdm You Only Live Twice: ge_gameplay yolt License To Kill: ge_gameplay ltk Man With The Golden Gun: ge_gameplay mwgg GunGame: tag_new ge_gameplay gungame

ge_gameplaylist<br> :Prints a list of all the game modes installed (ident printname)

ge_roundtime seconds <tt>(240)</tt><br> :Defines how long each round lasts in seconds.

ge_restartround<br> :This command forces the round to be restarted. Useful for setting the weaponset immediately, or restarting after your party has joined in.

ge_weaponset ident <tt>(pistols)</tt><br> :Sets the weaponset to be loaded on the next round. This command takes affect on a round restart. See Default Weapon Sets

ge_weaponsetlist<br> :Prints a list of all the weapon sets available on the server (ident printname)

ge_teamplay 1 <tt>(0)</tt><br> :Sets teamplay on/off. Ultimately, teamplay is governed by the game mode. Certain game modes (such as MWGG) will not allow teamplay, where others will allow it to be on or off. A game mode can also force teamplay. Off by default.

ge_startarmed 0-3 <tt>(0)</tt><br> :Determines how the player will be equipped when they spawn. Use your scenario config files (e.g., server_ltk.cfg) to alter these if you wish to specify different startarmed levels for different scenarios. 0 Slappers 1 Knife 2 Knife + Level 1 Weapon 3 Slappers + Level 1 Weapon

ge_allowradar 1 <tt>(1)</tt><br> :Allow the use of radar on the server. Game modes can override this setting (MWGG and YOLT)

ge_allowjump 1 <tt>(1)</tt><br> :Turn jumping on/off. On by default.

ge_paintball 1 <tt>(0)</tt><br> :Turn paintball mode on/off. Off by default.

Advanced Commands

These commands are not necessary to know or adjust. Their defaults are set for optimal playing on the shipped version of Beta 3. However, if you find it necessary to change them to meet your server's needs, here they are:

ge_rounddelay seconds <tt>(15)</tt><br> :Adjusts the delay between rounds (in seconds).

ge_respawndelay seconds <tt>(5)</tt><br> :When mp_forcerespawn is set, this is the maximum amount of time a player can stay dead before respawning.

ge_dynamicrespawn 1 <tt>(1)</tt><br> :Turns dynamic respawning of items and weapons on/off. On by default.

ge_dynamicrespawn_scale scale <tt>(1.0)</tt><br> :Scales the default dynamic respawning algorithm by a factor.

ge_itemrespawntime seconds <tt>(10)</tt><br> :If dynamic respawning is disabled, this defines the fixed time interval between item respawns.

ge_weaponrespawntime seconds <tt>(10)</tt><br> :If dynamic respawning is disabled, this defines the fixed time interval between weapon respawns.

ge_radar_range inches <tt>(1500)</tt><br> :Sets the radar range in inches.

ge_radar_showenemyteam 1 <tt>(1)</tt><br> :If radar is enabled and teamplay is enabled, then if this is disabled you will only see team mates on the radar.

ge_teamautobalance 1 <tt>(1)</tt><br> :This is enabled by default. If it is disabled, then team balancing will not be in effect.

ge_tournamentmode 1 <tt>(0)</tt><br> :This is currently an experimental feature. Currently it only disables the Team Balancer. In future versions it will setup GE:S to be suitable for a large tournament setting by only setting this one CVar.

ge_gameplay_mode 2 <tt>(0)</tt> tag_new :This effects the way gameplay changes on map change. 0 Keep the same gameplay every map (set explicitly by ge_gameplay) 1 Select a random gameplay from gameplaycycle.txt 2 Select the next gameplay (in order) from gameplaycycle.txt (exactly like mapcycle.txt)

ge_autoteam 0-32 <tt>(0)</tt> tag_new :If greater than zero it turns teamplay ON when the player count is greater than the set value and turns teamplay OFF when lower. Takes effect at the end of the round


GamePlay Commands

These commands are for cretin gameplay mods only and are only avaliable when they are loaded.:


dm_fraglimit frags <tt>(0)</tt> tag_new :Sets a frag limit by which the match will end when reached.

Tournament DeathMatch

tdm_warmuptime seconds <tt>(30)</tt> tag_new :Sets the warmup timer which the game restarts once reached and gameplay is live

tdm_fraglimit frags <tt>(0)</tt> tag_new :Sets a frag limit by which the match will end when reached.


gg_warmuptime seconds <tt>(30)</tt> tag_new :Sets the warmup timer which the game restarts once reached and gameplay is live

gg_deathmatch 1 <tt>(0)</tt> tag_new :Puts into deathmatch mode where by player respawn when killed

gg_avglevel 1 <tt>(1)</tt> tag_new :Starts new players on the average level of currently playing players