Capture the Key (CTK) is a dual-style gameplay. This means that it will be in “Deathmatch” mode or “Teamplay” mode depending on the number of players currently playing in the server and the value of the console variable ctk_teamplaylimit.
In Deathmatch mode, CTK operates a lot like Living Daylights except to score points you must bring the key back to a central capture point. When the round starts the key(s) are spawned and the capture point is spawned as far away from the keys as possible. Every time a key is captured, it chooses a new spawn point at random.
<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» Currently you cannot control the number of keys / players with a console variable. This feature will be introduced in the next update.
The only token used in Deathmatch mode is the GoldenEye key. The token will glow a gold color when it is on the ground.
The HUD will notify you if you currently hold a key and it will become your current weapon upon pickup. You MAY use other weapons while holding the key in Deathmatch mode. You will also receive a slight speed increase and your Health and Armor will be completely replenished.
A key will move back to its original location after 20 seconds of inactivity after being dropped.
The only way to score points in Deathmatch mode is to capture keys. Suicides and player kills do not alter your score. To win the round you must have the most points at the end.
In DM Mode there is only one color that represents gameplay elements on the radar. Tokens are represented as gold squares and the capture point is represented as a hollow circle. When a player is holding a token they appear as a gold blip on the radar.
In Teamplay mode, CTK is very similar to other team flag capture scenarios such as in Team Fortress. There are two teams, MI6 and Janus, that are pitted against each other capture each other's assets as many times in a round as possible. When the round starts a random spot is chosen for each team's token. Then a capture point is spawned as far away from the corresponding team token as possible (staying within that team's base). The objective is to penetrate through to the other team's base, steal their token, and bring it back to your base. The catch is, if your team's token is currently held or moved off of it's spawn location, you must wait a capture override time on your capture point!
<font color=red>*NOTE*</font» If a map doesn't contain team spawns then teamplay mode will fail since capture points cannot be spawned. For this reason, if this condition occurs, deathmatch mode will be forced on that map regardless of whether or not the number of players is over the teamplay limit.
Teamplay mode uses both the GoldenEye key and the Intelligence Briefcase as tokens. MI6 must capture the briefcase while Janus must capture the GoldenEye key. The briefcase will glow a light blue color and the key will glow a red color.
When you are in possession of a token in Teamplay mode you cannot use any other weapon. It is the job of the rest of your teammates to protect you while you make your way back to your base to capture the token. You only receive a slight speed increase in Teamplay mode.
Tokens will move back to their original location after 20 seconds of inactivity after being dropped.
Individually, you can earn points by killing the other team. You lose points for suicide and team kills. If you successfully capture the key you will earn 5 points.
As a team, the only way to score points is to capture your designated token.
The radar is rather complicated in Teamplay mode, but it is an essential tool to figuring out the current state of the gameplay. Each token is represented by a square blip and each capture point is a hollow circle in the respective team's color. For example, as the Janus team you will be trying to go for the RED square and the RED hollow circle.
When a player picks up a token their circle blip will turn to their teamcolor instead of white or green. Green blips are normal enemies and white blips are normal teammates as in the standard radar layout.
As you can see in the image on the right, if the other team currently holds your token you must wait an override time before you can capture their token. This is indicated by the progress bar on the HUD.
The default value is written in parenthesis next to the variable.
ctk_teamplaylimit players <tt>(5)</tt> :Sets the number of players required to enter teamplay mode on round end. If the number of players changes to +/- 2 from this value then the round will end immediately.
ctk_overridetime seconds <tt>(5)</tt> :Sets the amount of time in seconds required to be on a capture point to override a capture.
ctk_dm_playerspertoken players <tt>(3)</tt> :Sets the number of players for each token in DM mode.
ctk_dm_maxpickuppenalty seconds <tt>(3)</tt> :Sets the maximum pickup penalty for a moved token in DM mode. Range is 0 to 12 sec
For plugin makers, you can listen for the event gameplay_event and use the below descriptions to decipher it:
name=ctk_overtime |desc=This event is emitted if the round enters overtime (TEAMPLAY ONLY)