Ge Basement Classic

For related articles, see Basement, Library Classic, or Stack Classic.
Basement Classic
Author fourtecks
Location Unknown
Ideal Player Count 2-8

Ge_Basement_Classic, also known as Basement Classic, is a level being made for GoldenEye: Source. Classic maps try to bring the old maps from GoldenEye 007 to the players with untouched layouts and classic textures. This map is the lower part of Library Classic.

Originally worked on by Fourtecks, for 5.0 the basic geometry was rebuilt by JcFerggy who then handed it off to Adrian to finish everything else. After a final art pass by Mangley the map was ready for release.

GoldenEye: Source Levels
ArchivesAztecBasementBunkerCasinoCavernsCavesComplexControlCradleDamDepotEgyptianFacilityFacility BackzoneRunwaySilo
Archives ClassicBunker ClassicBasement ClassicComplex ClassicFacility ClassicLibrary ClassicStack ClassicTemple Classic